Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Warna Ku dan Warna Mu

Hey All,

Been Awhile since i last update this blog.... Kinda not in a mood for some reason.. and was also busy with stuff. Browsed through some Wedding Dress... and i kinda like(and prefer) and mix colour combination dress.... well, it looks good for guys too. Macam if we were to wear Red and Black for our wedding and out Husband-to-be doesnt like Red... he can wear seluar merah, baju merah...with sinjang and dastar(tengkolok) warna Hitam... or a combination of Blue and Purple...
I have a few examples... which...some of u might like it.....

There.... Cantik kan combinations macam ni.... Lain dari yang lain....

Photos dari Google Images SEARCH

Monday, 1 November 2010

Beautiful Blogger Award

Wheeee…  I got Beautiful Bloggers AWARD from Roses and Doves.  1st time ni dapat award. Hehehe
Thank you thank you…tho’ I hardly update my blog, but still dapat award hehe
Ok, those who were given this award have to write 7 things about themselves.. I might have to think about it…since I am being secretive about whom I am in this blog hehe but here it is
1)      I’m BUBBLY!!! I talked to almost everyone I met (makcik penjual kat tamu kah, abg jual burger kah, makcik tukang cuci toilet kat office ke… Best ohh ceta2 dgn drg ni..)
2)      I can’t stand work pressure..i think same goes with pressure in relationships hehehe I tend to marah2 others if I get pressure…but mudah cool down if ppl know how to ‘pujuk’ me.
3)      I was once, in love with Art and creative things, dulu Rajin buat Cross-Stitch, I even sold a few hehe
4)      I love doing side business(baking) walaupun gaji tiap bulan inda habis di pakai hehehe
5)      Loves to cook and bake for the BF… whether nyaman or not...at least ia makan…
6)      Hindi Movie/Series addict
7)      Hate Exercising but Loves to Slim down(I’m Obese.. hehe)

And so… after that we need to tag 15 Bloggers right? I Don’t wanna tag any Bloggers… BUT, ANY Bloggers out there, if you happen to READ this, do consider yourself being tagged by me… hehehe


Nina - GS